When searching you can use the auto-completion of words, start writing and we will offer you a some Scrabble words.
Scrabble dictionary have an explanation of the word as well as you can check if the word can be used for the game. Enter words to check if they are valid. With auto-completion you can select a word from the list or find a similar word. Look for the word meaning and improve your skills. At the moment we are only dealing with official dictionaries, but if users are interested in additional dictionaries, then write to us and we will improve these features.
Also, if you need word lists then you can generate them on the site: Letter Words
Сheck if your word is official scrabble word. Scrabble Word Finder is the cheat tool that will help you win the competition. Type in the letters you want and our Scrabble Word Finder will show you all the possible words you can make from the letters, or find words in Scrabble Word Dictionary.