Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain XES

axes11 exes11 oxes11 boxes14 coxes14 dexes13 duxes13 faxes15 fixes15 foxes15 goxes13 hexes15 hoxes15 kexes16 laxes12 lexes12 loxes12 luxes12 maxes14 mixes14 muxes14 nixes12 noxes12 paxes14 pixes14 poxes14 pyxes17 raxes12 rexes12 saxes12 sexes12 sixes12 taxes12 texes12 tuxes12 vexes15 waxes15 wexes15 yexes15 zaxes21 zexes21 doxes13 vaxes15 voxes15 apexes15 bruxes15 calxes15 coaxes15 cruxes15 deixes14 flaxes16 flexes16 flixes16 fluxes16 grexes14 hoaxes16 ibexes15 ilexes13 jinxes20 jynxes23 laxest13 luxest13 lynxes16 minxes15 onyxes16 oryxes16 plexes15 praxes15 prexes15 ptyxes18 rhexes16 ulexes13 yunxes16 addaxes16 admixes17 affixes20 annexes14 auxeses14 auxesis14 bemixes18 bolixes16 boraxes16 calixes16 calyxes19 capexes18 codexes17 culexes16 desexes15 detoxes15 dewaxes18 emboxes18 enfixes17 fedexes18 forexes17 galaxes15 hapaxes19 helixes17 hyraxes20 immixes18 inboxes16 indexes15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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