Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain WARDS

awards10 swards10 adwards12 cowards13 inwards11 onwards11 rewards11 towards11 upwards13 uswards11 vawards14 airwards12 bedwards15 forwards15 frowards15 godwards14 haywards18 hogwards16 leewards12 manwards14 naywards15 norwards12 outwards12 seawards12 skywards19 stewards12 sunwards12 wardship17 backwards21 bearwards15 becowards17 downwards17 eastwards13 forewards16 goalwards14 headwards17 hellwards16 hivewards19 homewards18 lakewards17 landwards14 leftwards16 misawards15 moonwards15 parkwards19 rearwards13 rerewards13 selfwards16 sidewards14 wardships18 westwards16 windwards17 woodwards17 afterwards17 coastwards16 cowardship21 deathwards18 earthwards17 fieldwards18 frontwards17 northwards17 rightwards18 riverwards17 shorewards17 southwards17 sternwards14 churchwards25 cowardships22 greenswards16 heavenwards21 hitherwards21 netherwards18 schoolwards20 stewardship20 streetwards15 stewardships21 thitherwards22 whitherwards25 carryforwards25 flashforwards26 henceforwards25 northeastwards21 northwestwards24 southeastwards21 southwestwards24 thenceforwards26 straightforwards27

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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