Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain VEG

vega8 vego8 vegan9 vegas9 veges9 vegie9 vegos9 vegans10 vegete10 vegged12 vegges11 veggie11 vegies10 vegier10 demiveg14 veganic13 vegetal11 veggies12 vegging13 veggier12 vegiest11 savegard13 veganism14 vegelate12 vegemite14 vegetals12 vegetant12 vegetate12 vegetist12 vegetive15 veggiest13 demiveges16 savegards14 veganisms15 vegelates13 vegemites15 vegetable15 vegetably18 vegetally16 vegetated14 vegetates13 vegetists13 vegetives16 waveguide17 demivegges18 revegetate14 savegarded16 vegeburger17 vegetables16 vegetarian14 vegetating15 vegetation14 vegetative17 waveguides18 aboveground18 revegetated16 revegetates15 savegarding17 vegeburgers18 vegetarians15 vegetatings16 vegetations15 vegetatious15 vegetablier17 revegetating17 revegetation16 vegetational16 vegetatively22 veggieburger20 vegetabliest18 nonvegetarian17 revegetations17 vegetarianism19 veggieburgers21 nonvegetarians18 vegetarianisms20 vegetativeness21 lactovegetarian21 ovolactovegetar24 vegetativenesse22 vegetativenesses23 ovolactovegetarian27 ovolactovegetarians28

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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