Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain UH

duh7 huh9 puh8 suh6 buhl9 buhr9 huhu10 pruh9 puha9 uhuh10 aruhe8 buhls10 buhrs10 huhus11 muhly13 puhas10 suhur8 uhlan8 uhuru8 aruhes9 buhund12 duhkha17 fuhrer12 suhurs9 tauhou9 uhlans9 uhurus9 bruhaha15 buhunds13 duhkhas18 fuhrers13 houhere13 muhlies12 tauhinu10 tauhous10 bauhinia13 brouhaha16 bruhahas16 buhlwork20 gluhwein15 houheres14 manuhiri13 tauhinus11 umquhile22 ahuruhuru15 bauhinias14 brouhahas17 buhlworks21 buhrstone14 gluhweins16 manuhiris14 ahuruhurus16 buhrstones15 euharmonic17 euhemerise15 euhemerism17 euhemerist15 euhemerize24 karuhiruhi20 kieselguhr18 kohutuhutu20 shakuhachi25 euhemerised17 euhemerises16 euhemerisms18 euhemerists16 euhemerized26 euhemerizes25 karuhiruhis21 kieselguhrs19 kohutuhutus21 shakuhachis26 euhemerising18 euhemeristic19 euhemerizing27 kletterschuh24 sprachgefuhl26 kletterschuhe25 sprachgefuhls27

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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