Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain UGS

bugs7 dugs6 fugs8 hugs8 jugs12 lugs5 mugs7 nugs5 pugs7 rugs5 sugs5 tugs5 vugs8 yugs8 chugs11 drugs7 frugs9 glugs7 jougs13 plugs8 scugs8 skugs10 slugs6 smugs8 snugs6 spugs8 thugs9 trugs6 almugs9 bugsha12 debugs10 scougs9 shrugs10 speugs9 sprugs9 ugsome9 bedbugs13 bedrugs11 bugseed11 bugshas13 dorbugs11 humbugs15 jugsful18 lugsail8 mudbugs13 mugshot13 redbugs11 sowbugs13 unplugs10 bearhugs14 billbugs13 bugseeds12 drugster10 earplugs11 firebugs14 goldbugs13 hornbugs14 ladybugs15 lovebugs14 lugsails9 mugshots14 pillbugs13 prodrugs12 quahaugs21 tautaugs9 angledugs12 chugalugs16 drugsters11 drugstore11 fireplugs15 fustilugs13 greenbugs13 mealybugs17 pinchbugs19 roseslugs10 scuppaugs16 stinkbugs16 superbugs14 crotonbugs15 doodlebugs15 drugstores12 hearthrugs17 jitterbugs20 litterbugs13 potatobugs15 sparkplugs19 tumblebugs17 ugsomeness13 shutterbugs17 spittlebugs16 ugsomenesses15 zwischenzugs39

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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