Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain TRES

tress5 trest5 antres6 litres6 matres8 metres8 mitres8 nitres6 petres8 stress6 titres6 tressy9 trests6 actress9 atresia7 atresic9 bistres9 centres9 dartres8 feutres10 foutres10 goitres8 lettres7 lustres7 montres9 quatres16 rustres7 stressy10 tressed8 tressel7 tresses7 trestle7 tutress7 ventres10 votress10 actressy13 atresias8 aventres11 buttress10 destress9 dioptres11 distress9 doctress11 editress9 entresol8 footrest11 fortress11 fostress11 huntress11 instress8 lectress10 mattress10 mistress10 oratress8 pattress10 philtres13 piastres10 plectres12 portress10 rectress10 restress8 sceptres12 spectres12 stressed9 stresses8 stressor8 suitress8 theatres11 trespass10 tressels8 tressier8 tressing9 tressour8 tressure8 trestles8 unmitres10 unstress8 victress13 waitress11 eustress8 accoutres13 actresses11 adultress10 aplustres11 arbitress11 auditress10 aviatress12 cadastres12 chantress14 creatress11 decentres12 delustres10 electress11 entresols9 exactress18 footrests12 heritress12 incentres11 janitress16 jointress16 mismetres13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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