Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with TINES

extines14 intines7 mutines9 patines9 ratines7 retines7 artiness8 bottines10 cystines13 dentines9 destines9 dietines9 emetines10 isatines8 matiness10 pantines10 pectines12 poutines10 routines8 saltines8 sestines8 sittines8 tartines8 tontines8 astatines9 battiness11 bittiness11 bustiness11 cantiness11 cattiness11 cicutines13 creatines11 diactines12 dirtiness10 dortiness10 dottiness10 dustiness10 duvetines13 emptiness13 fattiness12 fustiness12 gelatines10 goutiness10 gustiness10 hastiness12 heftiness15 hematines14 jettiness16 kreatines13 loftiness12 lustiness9 maltiness11 meatiness11 mistiness11 mustiness11 nastiness9 nattiness9 nicotines11 niftiness12 nuttiness9 palatines11 pastiness11 pettiness11 pottiness11 rabatines11 rattiness9 rootiness9 runtiness9 rustiness9 ruttiness9 saltiness9 serotines9 slatiness9 smaltines11 sootiness9 tartiness9 tastiness9 tattiness9 testiness9 tintiness9 wittiness12 zestiness18 aconitines12 argentines11 artinesses10 barbotines14 basaltines12 brattiness12 carnitines12 celestines12 chattiness15 chestiness15 clottiness12 cobaltines14 craftiness15 crustiness12 daintiness11 draftiness14 eglantines11 faultiness13 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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