Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain TIC

etic6 otic6 tice6 tich9 tick10 tics6 antic7 artic7 attic7 etics7 ictic9 lotic7 lytic10 metic9 ontic7 optic9 stich10 stick11 tical7 ticca9 ticed8 tices7 tichy13 ticks11 ticky14 vatic10 acetic10 anetic8 antick12 antics8 aortic8 arctic10 artics8 attics8 azotic17 baltic10 biotic10 bustic10 cantic10 cistic10 clitic10 cretic10 critic10 cultic10 cystic13 deltic9 detick13 emetic10 enatic8 entice8 erotic8 exotic15 fetich14 fistic11 fustic11 gestic9 goetic9 haptic13 hectic13 iritic8 lactic10 lentic8 luetic8 mantic10 mastic10 matico10 metics10 miotic10 myotic13 mystic13 nastic8 nautic8 noetic8 notice8 optics10 otitic8 pectic12 peptic12 phatic13 photic13 poetic10 pontic10 ptotic10 rhotic11 rustic8 septic10 shtick15 static8 stichs11 sticks12 sticky15 tactic10 thetic11 ticals8 ticced11 tiches11 ticing9 ticked13 ticken12 ticker12 ticket12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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