Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain TARA

taras5 antara6 petara8 pitara8 satara6 tarama8 tarand7 totara6 antaras7 ataraxy17 haftara13 petaras9 pitarah12 pitaras9 sataras7 tantara7 taraire7 taramas9 taramea9 tarands8 totaras7 tuatara7 altarage9 ataraxia15 ataraxic17 cataract12 haftarah17 haftaras14 haphtara16 heketara15 pitarahs13 staragen9 tantaras8 tarabish13 taraires8 tarakihi15 tarameas10 tarantas8 tuataras8 altarages10 ataractic13 ataraxias16 ataraxics18 ataraxies16 cataracts13 haftarahs18 haphtarah20 haphtaras17 heketaras16 solfatara12 staragens10 tantarara9 tarakihis16 tarantara9 tarantass9 tarantism11 tarantist9 tarantula9 taraxacum20 ataractics14 haphtarahs21 solfataras13 tantararas10 tarabishes15 taradiddle13 tarantaras10 tarantases10 tarantella10 tarantisms12 tarantists10 tarantulae10 tarantulas10 taraxacums21 titarakura14 cataractous15 taradiddles14 tarantaraed12 tarantasses11 tarantellas11 taratantara11 titarakuras15 taramasalata14 tarantaraing13 taratantaras12 taramasalatas15 taratantaraed14 glutaraldehyde23 taratantaraing15 glutaraldehydes24

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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