Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SULPHUR

sulphurs13 sulphury16 desulphur15 sulphured15 sulphuret14 sulphuric16 sulphuryl17 desulphurs16 sulphurate15 sulphurets15 sulphuring16 sulphurise15 sulphurize24 sulphurous15 sulphuryls18 sulphurier15 desulphured18 disulphuret17 disulphuric19 sulphurated17 sulphurates16 sulphurator16 sulphureous16 sulphureted17 sulphurised17 sulphurises16 sulphurized26 sulphurizes25 sulphurwort19 sulphuriest16 desulphurate18 desulphuring19 desulphurise18 desulphurize27 disulphurets18 persulphuric21 sulphurating18 sulphuration17 sulphurators17 sulphureting18 sulphuretted18 sulphurising18 sulphurizing27 sulphurously20 sulphurworts20 desulphurated20 desulphurates19 desulphurised20 desulphuriser19 desulphurises19 desulphurized29 desulphurizer28 desulphurizes28 hyposulphuric28 pyrosulphuric25 sulphurations18 sulphureously21 sulphuretting19 thiosulphuric23 desulphurating21 desulphuration20 desulphurisers20 desulphurising21 desulphurizers29 desulphurizing30 hydrosulphuric28 hyposulphurous27 sulphurisation19 sulphurization28 sulphurousness19 desulphurations21 hydrosulphurous27 peroxysulphuric34 sulphureousness20 sulphurisations20 sulphurizations29

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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