Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain STUD

stude6 studs6 study9 bestud9 studio7 studly10 bestuds10 restudy11 studded10 studden9 studdie9 studdle9 student8 studied9 studier8 studies8 studios8 testudo8 outstudy12 studbook15 studdies10 studding11 studdles10 students9 studenty12 studfarm14 studfish15 studiers9 studious9 studlier9 studwork16 studying13 testudos9 studlike13 bestudded14 overstudy16 restudied11 restudies10 studbooks16 studdings12 studentry13 studfarms15 studhorse13 studiedly14 studliest10 studworks17 superstud12 unstudied11 bestudding15 collarstud13 nonstudent11 outstudied12 outstudies11 restudying15 studfishes17 studhorses14 studiously14 superstuds13 testudinal11 testudines11 understudy15 studentish14 studmuffin19 studentier11 antistudent12 collarstuds14 nonstudents12 outstudying16 overstudied16 overstudies15 studentries12 studentship17 studiedness13 testudinary15 studmuffins20 studentiest12 overstudying20 studdingsail15 studentships18 studiousness13 testudineous13 understudied15 understudies14 studdingsails16 studiednesses15 understudying19 studiousnesses15

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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