Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain STROP

strops8 strophe12 stroppy14 strophes13 strophic15 stropped13 stropper12 astrophel14 dystrophy21 exstrophy24 gastropod13 gastropub14 strophoid15 strophuli14 stroppers13 stroppier13 stroppily16 stropping14 anastrophe15 apostrophe17 astrophels15 dystrophia19 dystrophic21 dystrophin19 epistrophe17 gastropods14 gastroporn13 gastropubs15 strophical17 strophiole15 strophoids16 strophulus15 stroppiest14 anastrophes16 antistrophe16 apostrophes18 apostrophic20 apostrophus18 astrophobia18 astrophobic20 catastrophe18 diastrophic19 dystrophias20 dystrophies20 dystrophins20 epistrophes18 exstrophies23 gastropodan15 gastroporns14 geostrophic19 hypostrophe24 monostrophe18 strophioles16 stroppiness15 antistrophes17 antistrophic19 antistrophon17 apostrophise19 apostrophize28 astrophobias19 astrophysics22 catastrophes19 catastrophic21 diastrophism20 gastropodans16 gastropodous16 hypostrophes25 monostrophes19 monostrophic21 obstropalous16 obstropulous16 octastrophic21 strophanthin20 strophanthus20 strophiolate17 gastroplasty18 antistrophons18 apostrophised21 apostrophises20 apostrophized30 apostrophizes29 apostrophuses20 astrophysical23 boustrophedon21 catastrophism22 catastrophist20 claustrophobe22 diastrophisms21 heterostrophy24 lipodystrophy27 monostrophics22 strophanthins21 strophiolated19 stroppinesses17 alloiostrophos19 apostrophising22 apostrophizing31 astrophysicist24 boustrophedons22 catastrophisms23 catastrophists21 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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