Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with STIE

stied6 sties5 bestie8 fastie9 gustie7 histie9 hostie9 pastie8 postie8 stieve9 tystie9 westie9 beastie9 besties9 bhistie12 blastie9 bustier9 dustier8 fasties10 festier10 fistier10 fustier10 gustier8 hastier10 hirstie10 hosties10 lustier7 mastier9 mistier9 mustier9 nastier7 nasties7 pastier9 pasties9 pestier9 posties9 prostie9 restier7 roastie7 rustier7 stiever10 tastier7 testier7 toastie7 toustie7 tysties10 vastier10 westies10 zestier16 angstier9 beasties10 bheestie13 bhisties13 blastier10 blasties10 burstier10 bustiers10 bustiest10 chestier13 christie13 crosstie10 crustier10 crusties10 dustiest9 feistier11 festiest11 fistiest11 foustier11 frostier11 fustiest11 ghostier12 goustier9 gustiest9 hastiest11 lustiest8 mastiest10 mistiest10 mustiest10 nastiest8 pastiest10 pestiest10 pigsties11 prosties10 reastier8 reestier8 restiest8 roasties8 rustiest8 stievely14 stievest11 tastiest8 testiest8 toastier8 toasties8 toustier8 trustier8 trusties8 twistier11 vastiest11 wristier11 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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