Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SPRING

springe10 springs10 springy13 respring11 springal11 springed12 springer11 springes11 springle11 upspring13 bedspring15 dayspring16 offspring18 outspring12 resprings12 springald13 springals12 springbok18 springers12 springier12 springily15 springing13 springles12 springlet12 upsprings14 bedsprings16 daysprings17 hairspring16 handspring17 headspring17 mainspring15 offsprings19 outsprings13 springalds14 springboks19 springbuck21 springeing14 springhaas16 springhalt16 springhase16 springhead17 springiest13 springings14 springless13 springlets13 springlike17 springtail13 springtide14 springtime15 springwood17 springwort16 wellspring16 springform18 hairsprings17 handsprings18 headsprings18 innerspring14 mainsprings16 respringing15 springboard17 springbucks22 springhalts17 springheads18 springhouse17 springiness14 springtails14 springtides15 springtimes16 springwater17 springwoods18 springworts17 upspringing17 watchspring22 wellsprings17 springforms19 klipspringer21 outspringing16 springboards18 springhouses18 springkeeper21 springwaters18 watchsprings23 innersprings15 klipspringers22 springinesses16 springkeepers22 springboarded20 springboarding21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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