Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with SMA

rusma7 smaak11 smack13 smaik11 small7 smalm9 smalt7 smarm9 smart7 smash10 smaze16 alisma8 bismar10 busman10 desman9 dismal9 disman9 dismay12 gasman9 kismat12 miasma10 osmate8 plasma10 rusmas8 smaaks12 smacks14 smaiks12 smalls8 smalms10 smalmy13 smalti8 smalto8 smalts8 smarms10 smarmy13 smarts8 smarty11 smatch13 smazes17 yasmak15 abysmal14 alismas9 almsman11 artsman9 basmati11 batsman11 bismars11 bowsman14 chasmal14 chiasma14 chrisma14 daysman13 desmans10 dismals10 dismans10 dismask14 dismast10 dismayd14 dismayl13 dismays13 gadsman11 ismatic11 kinsman13 kismats13 lensman9 magsman12 melisma11 messman11 miasmal11 miasmas11 mismade12 mismake15 mismark15 mismate11 mobsman13 newsman12 oarsman9 oddsman11 osmates9 osmatic11 passman11 plasmas11 rodsman10 schisma14 seismal9 smaaked14 smacked16 smacker15 smalled10 smaller9 smalmed12 smaltos9 smaragd11 smarmed12 smarted10 smarten9 smarter9 smartie9 smartly12 smashed13 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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