Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SITE

sited6 sites5 resite6 visite9 amosite9 coesite9 corsite9 fansite10 felsite10 hessite10 inosite7 posited10 resited8 resites7 rosited8 sitella7 subsite9 visited11 visitee10 visiter10 visites10 website12 zoisite16 adamsite11 amosites10 andesite9 apposite12 bombsite14 campsite14 cerusite10 coesites10 corsites10 dumpsite13 fansites11 felsites11 fuchsite16 gibbsite13 hessites11 homesite13 inosites8 jarosite15 lewisite11 opposite12 outasite8 parasite10 sitellas8 subsites10 townsite11 visitees11 visiters11 websites13 wellsite11 worksite15 zoisites17 adamsites12 andesites10 anglesite10 bombsites15 campsites15 cerusites11 cerussite11 composite15 deposited13 diphysite18 dumpsites14 epidosite12 exposited19 exquisite25 fuchsites17 gibbsites14 gravesite13 homesites14 jarosites16 kermesite15 lewisites12 magnesite12 marcasite13 microsite13 multisite11 opposites13 parasites11 pargasite12 reposited12 requisite18 revisited13 spilosite11 townsites12 transited10 unvisited13 wellsites12 worksites16 pallasite11 andalusite11 anglesites11 appositely17 bastnasite12 cerussites12 composited17 composites16 crocoisite14 diophysite19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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