Words with Friends Score Calculator




Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.


info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with SHOT

shote8 shots8 shott8 reshot9 shotes9 shotte9 shotts9 unshot9 upshot11 airshot10 bowshot15 earshot10 eyeshot13 gunshot11 hipshot15 hotshot13 mugshot13 outshot10 potshot12 rimshot12 shotgun11 shotted11 shotten10 shottes10 shottle10 unshots10 upshots12 shotput12 airshots11 birdshot14 bowshots16 buckshot19 bullshot13 cockshot19 dropshot14 earshots11 eyeshots14 gunshots12 hailshot14 headshot15 hotshots14 jumpshot22 mailshot13 moonshot13 mugshots14 neckshot17 outshots11 overshot14 parashot13 potshots13 rimshots13 shotguns12 shothole14 shotting12 shottles11 slapshot13 snapshot13 shotputs13 birdshots15 bloodshot15 buckshots20 bullshots14 chainshot17 cheapshot19 cockshots20 dropshots15 grapeshot15 hailshots15 headshots16 jumpshots23 mailshots14 midrashot15 moonshots14 neckshots18 overshots15 parashoth17 shotfirer15 shotholes15 shotmaker18 shotproof17 slapshots14 slingshot13 slungshot13 snapshots14 stoneshot12 undershot13 unshotted13 shotcrete14 chainshots18 cheapshots20 grapeshots16 midrashoth19 screenshot15 shotfirers16 shotgunned15 shotgunner14 shotmakers19 shotmaking20 slingshots14 slungshots14 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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