Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SHORT

shorts9 shorty12 shorted11 shorten10 shorter10 shortia10 shortie10 shortly13 redshort12 shortage12 shortarm13 shortcut13 shortens11 shortest11 shortias11 shorties11 shorting12 shortish14 boyshorts17 shortages13 shortarse12 shortcake18 shortcuts14 shortened13 shortener12 shortfall15 shortgown16 shorthair15 shorthand16 shorthead16 shorthold16 shorthorn15 shortlist12 shortness12 shortstop14 shortwave18 shortarses13 shortboard16 shortbread16 shortcakes19 shortcrust15 shorteners13 shortening14 shortfalls16 shortgowns17 shorthairs16 shorthands17 shortheads17 shorthorns16 shortlists13 shortsheet16 shortstops15 shortsword17 shortwaved20 shortwaves19 ultrashort13 walkshorts20 shortgrass14 foreshorten17 shortboards17 shortbreads17 shortchange20 shortcoming19 shortenings15 shorthaired18 shorthanded19 shortlisted15 shortnesses14 shortsheets17 shortswords18 shortwaving21 undershorts15 foreshortens18 shortchanged22 shortchanger21 shortchanges21 shortcomings20 shortcutting18 shortlisting16 shortsheeted19 shortsighted20 shortgrasses16 foreshortened20 shortchangers22 shortchanging23 shortsheeting20 foreshortening21 shortsightedly25 foreshortenings22 shortsightednes23 shortsightedness24 shortsightednesses26

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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