Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SHAD

shade9 shads9 shady12 shaded11 shader10 shades10 shadow13 shaduf13 shaddup14 shaders11 shadfly17 shadier11 shadily14 shading12 shadoof14 shadows14 shadowy17 shadufs14 beshadow17 eyeshade15 parishad14 pashadom16 shadblow17 shadbush17 shadchan17 shaddock19 shadiest12 shadings13 shadkhan19 shadoofs15 shadowed16 shadower15 shadrach17 sunshade12 unshaded13 unshadow15 beshadows18 eyeshades16 eyeshadow19 lampshade17 overshade16 parishads15 pashadoms17 shadberry18 shadblows18 shadchans18 shaddocks20 shadeless13 shadflies16 shadiness13 shadkhans20 shadowbox25 shadowers16 shadowier16 shadowily19 shadowing17 shadrachs18 sunshades13 unshadows16 beshadowed20 eyeshadows20 foreshadow20 lampshades18 nightshade18 overshaded18 overshades17 overshadow20 shadbushes19 shadchanim21 shadkhanim23 shadowcast19 shadowiest17 shadowings18 shadowless17 shadowlike21 unshadowed18 shadowland18 beshadowing21 foreshadows21 nightshades19 overshading19 overshadows21 shadberries17 shadinesses15 shadowboxed28 shadowboxes27 shadowcasts20 shadowgraph24 shadowiness18 unshadowing19 shadowlands19 foreshadowed23 foreshadower22 overshadowed23 shadowboxing29 shadowgraphs25 shadowgraphy28 unshadowable21 shadowcasted22 foreshadowers23 foreshadowing24 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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