Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SENTE

sented7 lisente7 absented11 absentee10 absenter10 assented9 assenter8 misenter10 resented9 resenter8 sentence10 absentees11 absenters11 assenters9 consented12 consenter11 dissented11 dissenter10 dysentery16 mesentera11 mesentery14 misenters11 presented12 presentee11 presenter11 resenters9 sentenced12 sentencer11 sentences11 sententia9 consenters12 dissenters11 dysenteric16 mesenteric14 mesenteron12 misentered13 presentees12 presenters12 resentence12 sentencers12 sentencing13 sententiae10 sentential10 unresented11 absenteeism15 copresented16 dysenteries15 mesenterial13 mesenteries13 misentering14 nonsentence13 presentence15 represented14 representee13 representer13 resentenced14 resentences13 sententious11 subsentence15 unsentenced14 sentencings14 absenteeisms16 disconsented16 dissenterish16 dissenterism15 mesenteritis14 mesenteronic16 nonsentences14 presenteeism16 presentenced17 presentences16 representees14 representers14 resentencing15 sententially15 subsentences16 dissenterisms16 presenteeisms17 presentencing18 sententiously16 unrepresented16 mesenteritises16 misrepresented19 misrepresenter18 presentencings19 misrepresenters19 overrepresented21 sententiousness15 underrepresente18 underrepresented20 sententiousnesses17

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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