Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SECRET

secreta9 secrete9 secrets9 secreted11 secreter10 secretes10 secretin10 secretly13 secretor10 unsecret10 nonsecret11 secretage12 secretary14 secretest11 secreting12 secretins11 secretion11 secretive14 secretors11 secretory14 unsecrets11 nonsecrets12 secretages13 secretaire12 secretions12 secretness12 semisecret14 unsecreted13 nonsecretor13 secretaires13 secretarial13 secretariat13 secretaries13 secretional13 secretively19 secretories13 supersecret15 ultrasecret13 unsecreting14 oversecrete16 nonsecretors14 nonsecretory17 secretagogic18 secretagogue16 secretariate14 secretariats14 secretionary17 secretnesses14 subsecretary19 supersecrets16 oversecreted18 oversecretes17 oversecretion18 secretagogues17 secretariates15 secretaryship23 secretiveness18 oversecreting19 hypersecretion24 neurosecretion16 neurosecretory19 oversecretions19 secretaryships24 subsecretaries18 undersecretary20 nonsecretories16 hypersecretions25 neurosecretions17 secretivenesses20 undersecretarie18 undersecretaries19

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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