Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SCRIBE

ascribe11 escribe11 scribed12 scriber11 scribes11 ascribed13 ascribes12 describe13 escribed13 escribes12 inscribe12 scribers12 conscribe15 described15 describer14 describes14 inscribed14 inscriber13 inscribes13 prescribe15 proscribe15 subscribe15 conscribed17 conscribes16 describers15 inscribers14 prescribed17 prescriber16 prescribes16 proscribed17 proscriber16 proscribes16 redescribe15 subscribed17 subscriber16 subscribes16 transcribe14 reinscribe14 interscribe15 misdescribe18 prescribers17 proscribers17 redescribed17 redescribes16 subscribers17 superscribe17 transcribed16 transcriber15 transcribes15 undescribed17 uninscribed16 unsubscribe17 reinscribed16 reinscribes15 circumscribe22 interscribed17 interscribes16 misdescribed20 misdescribes19 superscribed19 superscribes18 transcribers16 unprescribed19 unsubscribed19 unsubscriber18 unsubscribes18 circumscribed24 circumscriber23 circumscribes23 mistranscribe19 overprescribe22 oversubscribe22 unsubscribers19 nonsubscriber19 circumscribers24 mistranscribed21 mistranscribes20 overprescribed24 overprescribes23 oversubscribed24 oversubscribes23 nonsubscribers20 uncircumscribed26 undersubscribed23

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark. We do not cooperate with the owners of this trademark. All trademark rights are owned by their owners and are not relevant to the web site "scrabble-word.com". This site is intended for entertainment and training. We try to make a useful tool for all fans of SCRABBLE. "Scrabble Word" is the best method to improve your skills in the game.