Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain SCAR

escar7 oscar7 scare7 scarf10 scarp9 scars7 scart7 scary10 escarp10 escars8 lascar8 oscars8 scarab10 scarce10 scared9 scarer8 scares8 scarey11 scarfs11 scarpa10 scarph13 scarps10 scarre8 scarry11 scarth11 scarts8 ascared10 ascarid10 ascaris9 cascara11 discard11 escarps11 lascars9 mascara11 piscary14 scarabs11 scarcer11 scaredy13 scarers9 scarfed13 scarfer12 scarier9 scarify15 scarily12 scaring10 scarlet9 scarpas11 scarped12 scarper11 scarphs14 scarred10 scarres9 scarted10 scarths12 scarved13 scarves12 twiscar12 unscary12 ascarids11 cascaras12 discards12 escargot11 escarole10 escarped13 mascaras12 mascaron12 miscarry15 scarabee12 scarcely15 scarcest12 scarcity15 scareder11 scarfers13 scarfing14 scarfish16 scarfpin15 scariest10 scariose10 scarious10 scarless10 scarlets10 scarmoge13 scarpaed13 scarpers12 scarphed16 scarping13 scarrier10 scarring11 scarting11 twiscars13 viscaria13 ascarides12 ascarises11 discarded14 discarder13 escargots12 escaroles11 escarping14 foscarnet14 headscarf18 mascaraed14 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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