Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RUB

drub7 grub7 rube6 rubs6 ruby9 drubs8 grubs8 krubi11 rubai7 rubby12 rubel7 rubes7 rubin7 ruble7 rubli7 rubus7 scrub9 shrub10 urubu7 cherub13 grubby14 krubis12 krubut12 rubace10 rubais8 rubati8 rubato8 rubbed11 rubber10 rubbet10 rubbit10 rubble10 rubbly13 rubefy14 rubels8 rubied9 rubier8 rubies8 rubify14 rubigo9 rubine8 rubins8 rubles8 ruboff14 rubout8 rubric10 scrubs10 shrubs11 urubus8 cherubs14 crubeen11 drubbed13 drubber12 grubbed13 grubber12 grubble12 krubuts13 rubaboo11 rubaces11 rubasse9 rubatos9 rubbers11 rubbery14 rubbidy15 rubbies11 rubbing12 rubbish14 rubbity14 rubbled12 rubbles11 rubdown13 rubella9 rubeola9 rubicon11 rubidic12 rubiest9 rubigos10 rubines9 rubious9 ruboffs15 rubouts9 rubrics11 rubuses9 rubying13 scrubby16 shrubby17 canegrub13 cherubic17 cherubim17 cherubin15 crubeens12 drubbers13 drubbing14 grubbers13 grubbier13 grubbily16 grubbing14 grubbled14 grubbles13 grubworm16 rubaboos12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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