Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RIZA

rizas14 rizard16 frizado20 rizards17 frizados21 prizable21 cancrizans23 unprizable23 chorization25 cicatrizant24 memorizable26 polarizable24 satirizable22 vaporizable27 arborization23 authorizable26 chorizations26 colorization23 curarization23 dimerization24 etherization24 fiberization26 laterization21 maderization24 memorization25 motorization23 notarization21 polarization23 pulverizable28 satirization21 solarization21 suberization23 summarizable27 theorization24 valorization24 vaporization26 velarization24 esterization21 arborizations24 authorization25 bacterization26 barbarization26 carburization26 cauterization24 cicatrization26 colorizations24 colourization24 curarizations24 deodorization24 dimerizations25 dollarization23 electrization24 etherizations25 factorization27 fiberizations27 glamorization25 herborization27 isomerization24 laterizations22 linearization22 maderizations25 martyrization27 memorizations26 mercerization26 mesmerization26 motorizations24 notarizations22 pauperization26 picturization26 polarizations24 posterization24 pulverization27 satirizations22 scenarization24 sectorization24 solarizations22 suberizations24 sulfurization25 summarization26 tartarization22 temporization26 tenderization23 terrorization22 theorizations25 unpolarizable26 valorizations25 vaporizations27 vectorization27 velarizations25 vulgarization26 winterization25 categorizable27 esterizations22 allegorization24 authorizations26 bacterizations27 barbarizations27 bipolarization27 bowdlerization29 carburizations27 categorization26 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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