Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RIZ

friz16 griz14 riza13 brize16 frize17 frizz26 grize15 prize16 rizas14 agrize16 brizes17 dorize16 frized19 frizer18 frizes18 frizzy30 grizes16 prized18 prizer17 prizes17 rizard16 rizzar24 rizzer24 rizzor24 agrized18 agrizes17 apprize20 chorizo21 diarize17 dorized18 dorizes17 drizzle26 drizzly29 emprize20 frizado20 frizers19 frizing20 frizzed29 frizzer28 frizzes28 frizzle28 frizzly31 grizzle26 grizzly29 horizon19 lairize16 odorize17 prizers18 prizing19 reprize18 rizards17 rizzars25 rizzart25 rizzers25 rizzors25 trizone16 wrizled20 grizzes26 agrizing19 aphorize22 apprized22 apprizer21 apprizes21 arborize19 calorize19 chorizos22 colorize19 comprize23 curarize19 diarized19 diarizes18 dimerize20 disprize20 dorizing19 drizzled28 drizzles27 emperize21 emprizes21 etherize20 fiberize22 frizados21 frizette20 frizzers29 frizzier29 frizzies29 frizzily32 frizzing30 frizzled30 frizzler29 frizzles29 grizzled28 grizzler27 grizzles27 horizons20 lairized18 lairizes17 laterize17 macarize21 maderize20 memorize21 mesprize21 misprize21 motorize19 notarize17 odorized19 odorizer18 odorizes18 outprize19 polarize19 prizable21 prizeman21 prizemen21 reprized20 reprizes19 rizzared27 rizzarts26 rizzered27 rizzored27 satirize17 soberize19 solarize17 sororize17 suberize19 surprize19 theorize20 trizonal17 trizones17 tutorize17 unprized20 valorize20 vaporize22 velarize20 aphorized24 aphorizer23 aphorizes23 apprizers22 apprizing23 arborized21 arborizes20 authorize21 bacterize22 barbarize22 calorized21 calorizes20 carburize22 catharize23 cauterize20 chorizont23 cicatrize22 colorized21 colorizer20 colorizes20 colourize20 comprized25 comprizes24 curarized21 curarizes20 deodorize20 diarizing20 dimerized22 dimerizes21 disprized22 disprizes21 dollarize19 drizzlier28 drizzling29 electrize20 emperized23 emperizes22 epicurize22 epimerize22 etherized22 etherizer21 etherizes21 factorize23 fiberized24 fiberizes23 frizettes21 frizzante30 frizziest30 frizzlers30 frizzlier30 frizzling31 gargarize20 genderize20 glamorize21 grizzlers28 grizzlier28 grizzlies28 grizzling29 herborize23 horizonal21 isomerize20 jasperize27 lairizing19 laterized19 laterizes18 linearize18 macarized23 macarizes22 maderized22 maderizes21 marmarize22 martyrize23 memorized23 memorizer22 memorizes22 mercerize22 mercurize22 mesmerize22 mesprizes22 misprized23 misprizer22 misprizes22 motorized21 motorizes20 neoterize18 notarized19 notarizes18 odorizers19 odorizing20 outprized21 outprizes20 overprize23 pauperize22 pelorized21 phlorizin23 picturize22 pillorize20 polarized21 polarizer20 polarizes20 posterize20 posturize20 pulverize23 rapturize20 rasterize18 reprizing21 rhetorize21 rizzaring28 rizzering28 rizzoring28 rubberize22 satirized19 satirizer18 satirizes18 scenarize20 sectorize20 silverize21 soberized21 soberizes20 solarized19 solarizes18 sororized19 sororizes18 suberized21 suberizes20 sulfurize21 summarize22 surprized21 surprizes20 tartarize18 tellurize18 temporize22 tenderize19 terrorize18 texturize25 theorized22 theorizer21 theorizes21 tutorized19 tutorizes18 unbrizzed30 valorized22 valorizes21 vampirize25 vaporized24 vaporizer23 vaporizes23 vectorize23 velarized22 velarizes21 vulgarize22 winterize21 adulterize20 allegorize20 aphorizers24 aphorizing25 apprizings24 arborizing22 authorized23 authorizer22 authorizes22 bacterized24 bacterizes23 barbarized24 barbarizes23 bipolarize23 bowdlerize25 burglarize22

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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