Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RISING

arising8 grising9 irising8 krising12 prising10 risings8 agrising10 dorising10 rerising9 uprising11 apprising14 diarising11 lairising10 morrising12 odorising11 rearising10 reprising12 sunrising10 uprisings12 aphorising16 apprisings15 arborising13 calorising13 colorising13 comprising17 curarising13 dimerising14 emperising15 etherising14 fiberising16 laterising11 macarising15 maderising14 memorising15 misprising15 motorising13 notarising11 polarising13 satirising11 soberising13 solarising11 sororising11 suberising13 sunrisings11 surprising13 theorising14 tutorising11 valorising14 vaporising16 velarising14 authorising15 bacterising16 barbarising16 carburising16 catharising17 cauterising14 cicatrising16 colourising14 deodorising14 dollarising13 electrising14 epicurising16 epimerising16 factorising17 gargarising14 genderising14 glamorising15 herborising17 isomerising14 jasperising21 linearising12 mainprising16 marmarising16 martyrising17 mercerising16 mercurising16 mesmerising16 neoterising12 pauperising16 picturising16 pillorising14 posterising14 posturising14 pulverising17 rapturising14 rasterising12 rhetorising15 rubberising16 scenarising14 sectorising14 silverising15 sulfurising15 summarising16 surprisings14 tartarising12 tellurising12 temporising16 tenderising13 terrorising12 texturising19 vampirising19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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