Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RINE

brine7 crine7 rines5 trine5 urine5 brined9 briner8 brines8 crined9 crines8 ferine9 larine6 marine8 murine8 narine6 nerine6 purine8 scrine8 serine6 shrine9 strine6 trined7 trines6 urined7 urines6 acarine9 azurine16 briners9 caprine11 cedrine10 chorine12 citrine9 cyprine14 dourine8 eccrine11 eserine7 latrine7 loriner7 mariner9 marines9 murines9 murrine9 nerines7 neurine7 otarine7 pebrine11 perinea9 purines9 scrines9 serines7 shrined11 shrines10 strines7 tacrine9 taurine7 terrine7 tigrine8 uterine7 verrine10 vitrine10 zebrine18 acarines10 aegirine9 airiness8 algerine9 anserine8 apocrine12 atabrine10 atherine11 azurines17 cancrine12 chlorine13 chorines13 citrines10 clarinet10 curarine10 cyprines15 daturine9 dextrine16 doctrine11 dourines9 eeriness8 enshrine11 eserines8 exocrine17 figurine12 fluorine11 furriner11 goriness9 icterine10 inshrine11 latrines8 lemurine10 leporine10 loriners8 lustrine8 marinera10 mariners10 mazarine19 miriness10 murrines10 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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