Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RIND

grind7 rinds6 rindy9 grinds8 rinded8 brinded11 brindle10 grinded10 grinder9 regrind9 rindier8 rinding9 trindle8 brindisi11 brindled12 brindles11 grinders10 grindery13 grinding11 millrind11 regrinds10 rindiest9 rindless9 tamarind11 trindled10 trindles9 brindisis12 grindelia11 grindings12 iprindole12 millrinds12 tamarinds12 trindling11 grindelias12 grinderies12 grindhouse15 grindingly16 grindstone12 iprindoles13 regrinding13 rinderpest13 grindhouses16 grindstones13 overindulge16 rinderpests14 superinduce16 overindulged18 overindulges17 superinduced18 superinduces17 overindebted19 interindustry17 overindulgent18 overindulging19 superinducing19 overindulgence21 superinduction19 interindividual20 overindulgences22 superindividual22 superinducement22 superinductions20 overindebtednes22 overindustriali19 overindebtedness23 overindustrialize30 overindebtednesses25 overindustrialized32 overindustrializes31 overindustrializing33

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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