Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain REW

arew7 brew9 crew9 drew8 grew8 rews7 trew7 brews10 crewe10 crews10 grews9 krewe12 rewan8 rewax15 rewed9 rewet8 rewin8 rewon8 rewth11 screw10 shrew11 sprew10 strew8 threw11 trews8 accrew13 brewed12 brewer11 brewis11 crewed12 crewel11 crewes11 decrew12 grewed11 krewes13 prewar11 prewyn14 redrew10 regrew10 rewake13 reward10 rewarm11 rewash12 rewear9 reweds10 reweld10 rewets9 rewild10 rewind10 rewins9 rewire9 rewoke13 reword10 rewore9 rework13 reworn9 rewove12 rewrap11 rewths12 screws11 screwy14 shrewd13 shrews12 sprews11 strewn9 strews9 undrew10 updrew12 upgrew12 accrews14 aircrew12 beshrew15 bestrew12 brewage13 brewers12 brewery15 brewing13 brewpub16 brewski16 concrew14 crewcut14 crewels12 crewing13 crewman14 crewmen14 decrews13 grewing12 misdrew13 misgrew13 oreweed11 outdrew11 outgrew11 prewarm14 prewarn12 prewash15 prewire12 prework16 preworn12 prewrap14 prewyns15 rewaked15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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