Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with REP

prep8 repo6 repp8 reps6 arepa7 crepe9 creps9 crept9 crepy12 preps9 repay10 repeg8 repel7 repin7 repla7 reply10 repos7 repot7 repps9 repro7 strep7 arepas8 creped11 crepes10 crepey13 crepon10 prepay13 preppy15 repack14 repaid9 repair8 repand9 repark12 repass8 repast8 repave11 repays11 repeal8 repeat8 repegs9 repels8 repent8 reperk12 repine8 repins8 replan8 replay11 repled9 replot8 replow11 replum10 repoll8 repone8 report8 repose8 repost8 repots8 repour8 repped11 repros8 repugn9 repulp10 repump12 repure8 repute8 sitrep8 streps8 trepan8 trepid9 crepier11 creping12 crepons11 demirep12 erepsin9 estrepe9 firepan12 firepit12 firepot12 forepaw15 prepack17 prepaid12 prepare11 prepave14 prepays14 prepill11 preplan11 prepone11 prepose11 prepped14 preppie13 prepreg12 prepuce13 prepupa13 repacks15 repaint9 repairs9 repanel9 repaper11 reparks13 repasts9 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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