Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with REB

rebs6 grebe8 grebo8 rebar7 rebbe9 rebec9 rebel7 rebid8 rebit7 rebop9 rebus7 rebut7 rebuy10 rebab9 foreby14 grebes9 grebos9 hereby14 ourebi8 prebid11 prebuy13 reback14 rebait8 rebars8 rebase8 rebate8 rebato8 rebbes10 rebeck14 rebecs10 rebels8 rebids9 rebill8 rebind9 rebite8 rebody12 reboil8 rebook12 reboot8 rebops10 rebore8 reborn8 rebozo17 rebred9 rebuff14 rebuke12 rebury11 rebuts8 rebuys11 treble8 trebly11 zareba17 zereba17 cerebra11 farebox19 firebox19 firebug13 forebay15 forebye15 orebody13 ourebis9 prebade12 prebake15 prebend12 prebids12 prebill11 prebind12 preboil11 prebook15 preboom13 preborn11 prebuys14 rarebit9 rebacks15 rebadge11 rebaits9 rebased10 rebases9 rebated10 rebater9 rebates9 rebatos9 rebecks15 rebegan10 rebegin10 rebegun10 rebills9 rebinds10 rebirth12 rebites9 reblend10 reblent9 rebloom11 reboant9 reboard10 reboils9 rebooks13 reboots9 rebored10 rebores9 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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