Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain REATE

create8 reates6 aureate7 created10 creates9 greaten8 greater8 ocreate9 treated8 treater7 cocreate12 greatens9 greatest9 increate10 laureate8 ochreate13 recreate10 threated12 threaten11 treaters8 uncreate10 aureately12 cocreated14 cocreates13 concreate13 entreated10 estreated10 extreated17 floreated13 greatened11 greatests10 intreated10 laureated10 laureates9 miscreate13 overeaten12 overeater12 procreate13 recreated12 recreates11 retreated10 retreater9 threatens12 uncreated12 uncreates11 untreated10 undereate10 concreated15 concreates14 greatening12 increately15 maltreated13 maltreater12 miscreated15 miscreates14 mistreated13 overeaters13 pretreated13 procreated15 procreates14 retreaters10 threatened14 threatener13 undereaten11 aureateness11 confarreate16 maltreaters13 overtreated15 threateners14 threatening15 laureateship17 misentreated15 threatenings16 unthreatened16 undertreated14 aureatenesses13 baccalaureate19 laureateships18 threateningly20 uncreatedness16 unthreatening17 baccalaureates20 nonthreatening18 pancreatectomy25 uncreatednesses18 unthreateningly22 pancreatectomie23 pancreatectomiz32 pancreatectomies24 postbaccalaureate25 pancreatectomized35

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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