Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain REAN

reans5 creant8 azurean16 creance11 preanal9 reannex14 taurean7 aurorean8 cesarean10 creances12 empyrean15 floreant11 reanoint8 reanswer11 recreant10 segreant9 venerean11 caesarean11 cerberean13 cesareans11 empyreans16 epicurean13 foreanent12 marmorean13 miscreant13 nectarean11 procreant13 reanalyse12 reanalyze21 reanimate11 reannexed17 reannexes16 reanoints9 reanswers12 recreance13 recreancy16 recreants11 venereans12 caesareans12 daguerrean12 epicureans14 miscreance16 miscreancy19 miscreants14 procreants14 reanalysed14 reanalyses13 reanalysis13 reanalyzed23 reanalyzes22 reanimated13 reanimates12 reannexing18 reanointed11 reanswered14 recreances14 recreantly15 thereanent13 hyperborean21 miscreances17 preannounce15 reanalysing15 reanalyzing24 reanimating14 reanimation13 reanointing12 reanswering15 recreancies15 baccalaurean18 epicureanism18 hyperboreans22 miscreancies18 preannounced17 preannounces16 reanimations14 reannexation19 epicureanisms19 preanesthetic20 preannouncing18 reannexations20 terpsichorean20 preanaesthetic21 preanesthetics21 preanaesthetics22 preannouncement21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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