Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with RAPHE

raphes11 graphed14 grapheme16 graphene14 paraphed16 graphemes17 graphemic19 graphenes15 scrapheap18 biographed19 biographee18 biographer18 epigraphed19 epigrapher18 geographer17 graphemics20 orographer16 scrapheaps19 zoographer25 autographed18 biographees19 biographers19 cacographer21 demographer20 doxographer25 epigraphers19 geographers18 holographed21 holographer20 horographer20 logographer18 mimographer21 monographed20 monographer19 nomographer19 nosographer17 orographers17 paragraphed20 paragrapher19 polygraphed23 polygrapher22 pyrographer22 rotographed18 serigrapher17 sonographer17 telegraphed18 telegrapher17 topographer19 typographed23 typographer22 xerographer24 xylographed28 xylographer27 zoographers26 cacographers22 calligrapher20 cartographer20 chirographer23 choregraphed24 choregrapher23 chorographer23 cosmographer22 demographers21 discographer21 doxographers26 ethnographer21 hagiographer22 hectographed24 heliographed22 heliographer21 hierographer21 holographers21 horographers21 hydrographer25 hymnographer26 iambographer22 iconographer20 jellygraphed29 lithographed22 lithographer21 logographers19 micrographed23 micrographer22 mimeographed23 mimographers22 monographers20 mythographer26 necrographer20 nomographers20 nosographers18 orthographer21 paleographer20 pantographer20 paragraphers20 petrographer20 phonographer23 photographed24 photographer23 phytographer26 polygraphers23 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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