Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RAIT

krait9 raita5 raits5 trait5 graith10 karait10 kraits10 raitas6 raited7 strait6 traits6 wraith12 extrait14 graiths11 karaits11 raiting8 retrait7 straits7 traitor7 wraiths13 distrait9 extraits15 graithed13 graithly15 portrait10 retraite8 retraits8 retraitt8 straited9 straiten8 straiter8 straitly11 traitors8 distraite10 graithing14 portraits11 retraites9 retraitts9 straitens9 straitest9 straiting10 traitorly12 traitress9 portraited13 straitened11 straitness10 traitoress10 traitorism12 traitorous10 wraithlike20 portraiting14 portraitist13 portraiture13 straitening12 straitlaced14 traitorhood15 traitorisms13 traitorship16 traitresses11 portraitists14 portraitures14 straitjacket25 straitnesses12 traitoresses12 traitorhoods16 traitorously15 traitorships17 straitjackets26 straitlacedly19 straitjacketed28 traitorousness14 straitjacketing29 straitlacedness18 straitwaistcoat20 straitlacednesses20

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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