Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain POON

poons7 spoon7 poonac10 poonce10 spoons8 spoony11 harpoon12 lampoon11 pompoon13 poonacs11 poonced12 poonces11 spooned10 spooner9 spooney12 crampoon14 harpoons13 lampoons12 pompoons14 pooncing13 poontang11 spooners10 spooneys13 spoonfed14 spoonful13 spoonier10 spoonies10 spoonily13 spooning11 teaspoon10 crampoons15 harpooned15 harpooner14 lampooned14 lampooner13 poontangs12 soupspoon13 spoonbait13 spoonbill13 spoonfuls14 spoonhook18 spooniest11 spoonsful14 spoonways17 spoonwise14 spoonworm16 teaspoons11 spoonlike15 harpooneer15 harpooners15 harpooning16 lampooners14 lampoonery17 lampooning15 lampoonist14 soupspoons14 spoonbaits14 spoonbills14 spoondrift16 spoonerism14 spoonhooks19 spoonworms17 tablespoon14 harpooneers16 lampoonists15 spoondrifts17 spoonerisms15 tablespoons15 teaspoonful16 dessertspoon15 lampooneries16 teaspoonfuls17 teaspoonsful17 dessertspoons16 tablespoonful20 tablespoonfuls21 tablespoonsful21 dessertspoonful21 dessertspoonsfu21 dessertspoonfuls22 dessertspoonsful22

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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