Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain PILE

pilea7 piled8 pilei7 piler7 piles7 spile7 pileas8 pilers8 pileum10 pileup10 pileus8 spiled9 spiles8 unpile8 uppile10 compile13 dogpile11 pileate9 pileous9 pileups11 unpiled10 unpiles9 uppiled12 uppiles11 compiled15 compiler14 compiles14 dogpiles12 eolipile10 eolopile10 epilepsy15 huipiles13 pileated11 pileless10 pilework17 pilewort13 sandpile11 shagpile14 woodpile14 aeolipile11 compilers15 eolipiles11 eolopiles11 epileptic15 pileworks18 pileworts14 recompile15 sandpiles12 stockpile17 woodpiles15 aeolipiles12 epilepsies14 epileptics16 epileptoid15 pileorhiza24 recompiled17 recompiles16 stockpiled19 stockpiler18 stockpiles18 thermopile17 piledriver16 compilement19 epileptical17 pileorhizas25 stockpilers19 thermopiles18 piledrivers17 antiepilepsy19 compilements20 epileptiform21 antiepileptic19 epileptically22 epileptogenic20 postepileptic21 antiepileptics20

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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