Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain PIE

pied7 pier6 pies6 piet6 spie6 piece9 piend8 piers7 piert7 pieta7 piets7 piety10 piezo16 spied8 spiel7 spier7 spies7 umpie9 aspie7 apiece10 buppie12 copied11 copier10 copies10 cowpie13 deepie9 dopier9 doppie11 espied9 espier8 espies8 gapier9 gympie14 gyppie14 hempie13 hippie13 impies10 kelpie12 kewpie15 koppie14 lappie10 lippie10 magpie11 mopier10 mudpie11 nappie10 pieced11 piecen10 piecer10 pieces10 pieing9 pieman10 piemen10 piends9 pierce10 pierid9 pieris8 pierog9 pierst8 pierts8 pietas8 pipier10 potpie10 purpie10 rapier8 ropier8 soapie8 spiels8 spiers8 taupie8 tawpie11 toupie8 typier11 umpies10 waspie11 weepie11 woopie11 yappie13 yippie13 yumpie13 yuppie13 aspies8 apiezon18 atopies9 boppier13 bumpier13 buppies13 campier13 chappie16 charpie14 cheapie14 chippie16 clippie13 copiers11 coppies13 cowpies14 crapier11 crappie13 creepie11 crepier11 croppie13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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