Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with PHOTOS

photoset13 photoscan16 photosets14 photoshop19 photostat14 photoscans17 photoshoot18 photoshops20 photostats15 telephotos15 wirephotos18 photosensor16 photosetter16 photoshoots19 photosphere21 photostated17 photostatic18 photosystem21 radiophotos17 photoscanned20 photosensors17 photosetters17 photosetting18 photoshopped25 photospheres22 photospheric24 photostating18 photostatted18 photosystems22 photoscanning21 photosettings19 photoshopping26 photostatting19 photosynthate24 photosensitise19 photosensitive22 photosensitize28 photosynthates25 photosyntheses25 photosynthesis25 photosynthetic27 photosensitised21 photosensitiser20 photosensitises20 photosensitized30 photosensitizer29 photosensitizes29 photosynthesise26 photosynthesize35 photosensitizat29 photosynthetica28 photosensitivit23 photosynthesizi35 photosensitizin29 photosensitizers30 photosensitivity27 photosynthesized37 photosensitizing31 photosynthesizes36 photosynthesizing38 photosensitization32 photosensitivities26 photosynthetically34 photosensitizations33

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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