Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain PERCE

perced11 percen10 perces10 emperce13 percent11 percept13 emperced15 emperces14 opercele12 perceant12 perceive15 percents12 percepts14 operceles13 perceable15 perceived17 perceiver16 perceives16 percental13 supercede14 supercell13 apperceive19 perceivers17 perceiving18 percentage15 percentile14 perception16 perceptive19 perceptual16 superceded16 supercedes15 supercells14 apperceived21 apperceives20 imperceable19 misperceive20 perceivable20 perceivably23 perceivings19 percentages16 percentiles15 perceptible19 perceptibly22 perceptions17 superceding17 supercenter15 unperceived19 apperceiving22 apperception20 apperceptive23 imperception20 imperceptive23 misperceived22 misperceives21 perceptional18 perceptively24 perceptivity24 perceptually21 supercenters16 unperceptive21 apperceptions21 imperceivable24 imperceptible23 imperceptibly26 imperceptions21 misperceiving23 misperception21 unperceivable22 unperceivably25 unperceivedly24 imperceptively28 imperceptivity28 misperceptions22 perceivability26 perceptibility25 perceptiveness23 perceptivities23 supercelestial18 graviperception25 interperceptual21 perceptivenesse24 perceptibilitie23 imperceptivenes26 perceptivenesses25 perceptibilities24 imperceptiveness27 imperceptivenesses29

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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