Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain PAPE

paper9 papes9 papers10 papery13 papered12 paperer11 repaper11 unpaper11 endpaper13 flypaper18 gunpaper13 oilpaper12 paperboy17 paperers12 paperier12 papering13 repapers12 tarpaper12 unpapers12 curlpaper15 endpapers14 flypapers19 gunpapers14 newspaper16 notepaper13 oilpapers13 paperback21 paperbark19 paperboys18 paperclip17 papergirl14 paperiest13 paperings14 paperless13 paperware16 paperwork20 papeterie13 repapered14 sandpaper14 tarpapers13 unpapered14 wallpaper16 curlpapers16 glasspaper15 newspapers17 notepapers14 paperbacks22 paperbarks20 paperboard17 paperbound17 paperclips18 papergirls15 paperiness14 paperknife21 papermaker20 paperwares17 paperworks21 papeteries14 repapering15 sandpapers15 sandpapery18 touchpaper19 unpapering15 wallpapers17 wastepaper17 paperwhite20 tarpapered15 glasspapers16 newspapered19 paperbacked24 paperbacker23 paperboards18 paperbounds18 paperhanger19 paperknives22 papermakers21 papermaking22 paperweight22 sandpapered17 touchpapers20 wallpapered19 wastepapers18 paperwhites21 glasspapered18 newspaperdom22 newspapering20 newspaperism21 newspaperman21 newspapermen21 paperbackers24 paperbacking25 paperhangers20 paperhanging21 paperinesses16 papermakings23 paperweights23 sandpapering18 wallpapering20 sandpaperier17 glasspapering19 newspaperdoms23 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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