Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain PAND

panda8 pands8 pandy11 expand16 pandan9 pandar9 pandas9 pander9 pandit9 repand9 compand14 expands17 pandani10 pandans10 pandars10 pandect12 panders10 pandied11 pandies10 pandits10 pandoor10 pandora10 pandore10 pandour10 pandrop12 pandura10 spandex17 compands15 expanded19 expander18 expandor18 pandanis11 pandanus11 pandared12 pandects13 pandemia13 pandemic15 pandered12 panderer11 panderly14 pandoors11 pandoras11 pandores11 pandours11 pandowdy18 pandrops13 panduras11 pandying15 repandly14 spandrel11 spandril11 companded17 compander16 compandor16 expanders19 expanding20 expandors19 pandaring13 pandation12 pandemian14 pandemias14 pandemics16 panderers12 panderess12 pandering13 panderism14 panderous12 pandurate12 spandexed20 spandexes19 spandrels12 spandrils12 companders17 companding18 compandors17 expandable22 overexpand23 pandanuses13 pandations13 pandectist15 pandemonic17 panderisms15 pandermite15 pandowdies17 pandurated14 unexpanded21 panderings14 overexpands24 pandectists16 pandemoniac18 pandemonian16 pandemonium18 panderesses14 pandermites16 panduriform19 overexpanded26 pandaemonium19 pandanaceous17 pandemonians17 pandemoniums19 expandability28 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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