Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain PAD

padi7 pads7 eupad8 paddy12 padis8 padle8 padma10 padre8 padri8 sepad8 spade8 spado8 papad10 espada9 eupads9 inkpad13 joypad19 keypad16 lampad11 padang10 padauk13 padded11 padder10 paddle10 padkos13 padles9 padmas11 padnag10 padouk13 padres9 padsaw12 sepads9 spaded10 spader9 spades9 spadix16 spados9 apadana10 espadas10 footpad13 helipad13 inkpads14 joypads20 keypads17 kneepad14 lampads12 notepad10 padangs11 padauks14 padders11 paddies11 padding12 paddled12 paddler11 paddles11 paddock17 padella10 padlock16 padnags11 padouks14 padrona10 padrone10 padroni10 padsaws13 padshah16 papadam14 papadom14 papadum14 popadum14 respade10 skidpad15 spaders10 spadger11 spading11 spadoes10 tonepad10 apadanas11 compadre15 crashpad16 croupade13 escapade13 escapado13 footpads14 galopade12 helipads14 kneepads15 mousepad13 notepads11 paddings13 paddlers12 paddling13 paddocks18 padellas11 paderero11 padishah17 padlocks17 padronas11 padrones11 padshahs17 paduasoy14 papadams15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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