Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain OWED

bowed11 cowed11 dowed10 jowed16 lowed9 mowed11 nowed9 rowed9 sowed9 towed9 vowed12 wowed12 yowed12 avowed13 blowed12 browed12 chowed15 clowed12 crowed12 flowed13 glowed11 meowed12 plowed12 scowed12 showed13 slowed10 snowed10 stowed10 trowed10 unowed10 whowed16 allowed11 arrowed11 cowedly16 elbowed13 embowed15 endowed12 indowed12 kotowed15 miaowed13 resowed11 shrowed14 strowed11 unbowed13 unsowed11 widowed15 avowedly18 bellowed14 besnowed14 bestowed14 billowed14 borrowed14 bowwowed20 burrowed14 escrowed14 fallowed15 farrowed15 fellowed15 followed15 forhowed18 furrowed15 gallowed13 hallowed15 harrowed15 hollowed15 kowtowed19 leasowed12 marrowed14 mellowed14 narrowed12 outrowed12 pillowed14 powwowed20 reavowed15 reflowed15 reglowed13 replowed14 reshowed15 sallowed12 shadowed16 sorrowed12 tallowed12 tarrowed12 tattowed12 unavowed15 unblowed14 unplowed14 unstowed12 upflowed17 wallowed15 willowed15 windowed16 winnowed15 yellowed15 allowedly16 bestrowed15 cornrowed15 disavowed17 eyebrowed18 forslowed16 lowbrowed18 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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