Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ORF

corf9 orfe7 orfs7 orfes8 forfex19 orfray12 forfair13 forfeit13 forfend14 odorful11 orfrays13 colorful13 forfairn14 forfairs14 forfault14 forfeits14 forfends15 forfexes21 humorful16 korfball17 moorfowl16 colorfast14 corfhouse17 doorframe15 flavorful18 forfaired16 forfaiter15 forfaults15 forfeited16 forfeiter15 forfended17 forficate17 forfochen20 harborful17 korfballs18 moorfowls17 razorfish24 terrorful12 colorfully18 corfhouses18 doorframes16 forfairing17 forfaiters16 forfaiting17 forfeiters16 forfeiting17 forfeiture16 forfending18 forfeuchen21 forfoughen20 harborfuls18 flavorfully23 forfaitings18 forfeitable19 forfeitures17 forficulate19 forfoughten21 razorfishes26 tractorfeed17 trichlorfon19 unforfeited18 colorfulness17 noncolorfast17 tractorfeeds18 trichlorfons20 colorfastness18 nonforfeiture19 colorfulnesses19 nonforfeitable22 nonforfeitures20 colorfastnesses20

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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