Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain OOP

coop8 goop7 hoop9 loop6 moop8 noop6 oops6 poop8 roop6 soop6 yoop9 apoop9 bloop9 cloop9 coops9 coopt9 droop8 gloop8 goops8 goopy11 hoops10 loops7 loopy10 moops9 noops7 ooped8 poops9 poopy12 roops7 roopy10 scoop9 sloop7 snoop7 soops7 stoop7 swoop10 troop7 whoop13 woops10 woopy13 yoops10 astoop8 bloops10 bloopy13 cloops10 cooped11 cooper10 coopts10 droops9 droopy12 gloops9 gloopy12 gooped10 hooped12 hooper11 hoopla11 hoopoe11 hoopoo11 inhoop11 looped9 looper8 mooped11 ooping9 pooped11 pooper10 rooped9 roopit8 saloop8 scoops10 scroop10 sloops8 snoops8 snoopy11 sooped9 stoope8 stoops8 swoops11 swoopy14 troops8 unhoop11 whoops14 woopie11 blooped12 blooper11 coopers11 coopery14 cooping12 coopted12 drooped11 glooped11 goopier10 hencoop14 hoopers12 hooping13 hooplas12 hoopoes12 hoopoos12 inhoops12 loopers9 loopier9 loopily12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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