Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain OMS

coms8 doms7 homs9 moms8 noms6 ooms6 poms8 roms6 soms6 toms6 voms9 atoms7 booms9 cooms9 dooms8 gloms8 looms7 proms9 rooms7 sooms7 tooms7 zooms16 axioms15 besoms10 bisoms10 blooms10 bosoms10 brooms10 caroms10 celoms10 chooms13 comsat10 genoms9 glooms9 grooms9 idioms9 momser10 slooms8 sodoms9 spooms10 venoms11 vrooms11 whomso14 eproms10 addooms11 apedoms12 bazooms20 bottoms11 byrooms14 carroms11 coeloms11 comsats11 comsymp18 condoms12 customs11 diatoms10 dogdoms12 dotcoms12 fandoms13 fantoms12 fathoms15 hansoms12 jetsoms16 jissoms16 kabooms15 madtoms12 mandoms12 mestoms11 momsers11 nincoms11 noncoms11 phenoms14 pogroms12 pompoms15 randoms10 ransoms9 romcoms13 satcoms11 shaloms12 sholoms12 shrooms12 simooms11 sitcoms11 slaloms9 syncoms14 unicoms11 varooms12 wabooms14 wisdoms13 capcoms15 babudoms15 barrooms12 bedrooms13 beglooms13 blossoms12 boredoms13 bossdoms13 boxrooms19 chefdoms19 chrisoms15 comsymps19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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