Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain OCTA

octad8 octal7 octan7 octas7 octads9 octals8 octane8 octans8 octant8 octave11 octavo11 choctaw17 octadic12 octagon10 octanes9 octanol9 octants9 octapla11 octaval12 octaves12 octavos12 proctal11 choctaws18 octagons11 octangle11 octanols10 octantal10 octaplas12 octapody16 octarchy18 octaroon10 isooctane11 octachord17 octagonal12 octahedra15 octameter13 octangles12 octaploid14 octapodic16 octaroons11 octastich16 octastyle14 suboctave16 isooctanes12 octachords18 octahedral16 octahedron16 octamerous14 octameters14 octandrian13 octandrous13 octangular13 octaploids15 octaploidy18 octapodies15 octarchies17 octastichs17 octastyles15 octavalent15 pernoctate14 proctalgia15 suboctaves17 octachordal19 octagonally17 octahedrite17 octahedrons17 octanedioic16 octapeptide18 octastichon18 pernoctated16 pernoctates15 proctalgias16 superoctave18 contraoctave19 noctambulism20 noctambulist18 octahedrally21 octahedrites18 octapeptides19 octaploidies17 octastichons19 octastichous19 octastrophic21 pernoctating17 pernoctation16 superoctaves19 contraoctaves20 noctambulisms21 noctambulists19 pernoctations17 trisoctahedra19 noctambulation20 trisoctahedral20 trisoctahedron20 noctambulations21 subcontraoctave24 trisoctahedrons21 subcontraoctaves25

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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